Saturday 28 January 2012

These recent shots seem quite characteristic of what I want to achieve. They are derived from a magazine called Look. I chose it for the cover image and the advertising image on the reverse of the cover. I shot about 150 images and managed to keep 20 or so after editing and trashing.

I see them as painterly entities rather than photographs per se.

They were photographed against a semi reflective surface and due to a happy accident the colours on the reverse side were picked up without any trouble.

If I had thought more carefully of course , and this is just an idea , both the main image and the image caught on the reflective surface could have contained contradictory visual information.

The covers are generally the most difficult to manipulate. The process is not entirely random but chance plays a part. They are not totally pre-conceived.

I look pretty closely at the images during the process , almost like objective drawing.  It seems closer to painting and drawing than photography.  The tools I use are pretty ancient , second hand bits and pieces of camera and lenses.  Nothing too flash.  I carry two cameras at all times.  The one in my rucksack gets gummed up with bits of packed lunch.  There is one I carry in my pocket which I use to record information on the bus.  I make little films with it too.

I spend a lot of time wishing for an aircrash or a huge motorway pile up, and then, suddenly I would be there. I do not carry a mobile phone. I am the only person I know who does not use a mobile phone.

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